AMRs and AGVs K.Hartwall A-MATE forklift

AMRs and AGVs


Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and Auto Guided Vehicles (AGVs) facilitate the autonomous transport of payloads around the required working environment without human assistance.

automated forklift lifting pallet into racks

The potential benefits are clear:

• Reduction (potentially massive) of time operatives spend walking driving

• Dynamic route optimisation for maximum throughput (Dependent on intelligence levels)

• Allow operative to focus on value-add tasks

• Improve safety


There are many types available offering range of capabilities from basic systems requiring infrastructure for navigation such as wires/tapes to intelligent vehicle that navigate without external infrastructure and have the intelligence to calculate the shortest or optimal route between pick and place points.  Inappropriate selection can result in lengthy unproductive evaluations, workflow disruption and potential for degraded operational performance. 


Our AMR Technology Partners

MiR AMR carrying pallet with packages on

Appropriate selection depends on the use case: 

· Type of process  

· Functions and accuracy of position accuracy required 

· Payloads to carry 

· Size of pathways 

· Environment conditions/Terrain 

Maximise the potential, achieve your productivity goals and get immediate returns on your investment

A particular AMR/AGV may work well in one type of environment but may not be suitable for another. Overall performance can be seriously degraded by working environment conditions and operational requirements, for example:

  • Navigational accuracy/reliability impaired: E.g. vehicle deviates from path/stops or collides with objects

  • Traffic management not capable of meeting operational need: E.g. causes deadlocks 

  • AMR/AGV may not be sufficiently robust for the environment:  e.g. due to Floor surface, inclines, dust, temp, rain, snow, fog.

Stand-alone AMR/AGV systems deliver transportation efficiency but often they form only part of a solution for an application use case.

MiR AMR with boxes

Greater performance can be achieved with a fully integrated solution:

- Automated and collaborative transfer of payloads at pick/place locations 

- Integrate with Voice systems for voice directed work 

- Integrate with Pick to light/vison systems to aid correct pick/place  

-Integrate with RFID tags/ Code scanners and call buttons 

- Safe automatic door opening systems 

- Development of application specific top modules and trolleys 


Case Studies